Monday, 2 May 2011

Party life!

Had an crazy wild night the other night! So im 19, naturally I don't go to as many house partys as I used to, but for some reason whenever one pops up every now and then I end up having these wild nights with crazy storys!

I went to some house party a week or so ago in Bellbowrie, a suburb along way away from me (mission and a half). Even the mission there was pretty eventful, big group of us caught a bus to get us most of the way there, drinking etc.. on the bus. By the time we got to our stop we where pretty drunk at this point. Not entirely sure but our group got split up at some point, no idea what happened to them, so we start walking down some dark long road with no footpath towards where we had to go, beeped at so many times, stumbling around, somehow end up going down this random bush path, and who the fuck do we see, but the other half of our crew, middle of nowhere! So we all order a maxi and cruise off to this party.
Nights going pretty well, making out with some chick most of the night, when these dudes cruise in holding bats and knives yelling "GTFO NOW" etc.. naturally this riled everyone up and a few fights broke out, pretty quickly though shit got crazy and 200 or so people flood out onto the street in a mass brawl. Im throwing fists just for the hell of it, copped a broken nose in the process.
Riot cops (yes literally cops in armour and shields) rock up from out of nowhere and arrest half the crowd in paddys. I got away with some mates, but then we realised we had no money, busses wernt running anymore and we where alooong way away from home! So for lack of anything else to do we started walking in the genral direction of the city. About half an hour later this paddy rocks up beside us on some road, pull over and stop us. These two cops get out looking all smug and im think "ahh here we go". Usual routine, searched us etc.. and they left without a hitch, another hour or so later of walking and BOOM there they are again! This time they got out, pointed at me and a few other mates and told us to get into the paddy full on seriously. We hop in but they didnt handcuff us or anything, as soon as we take off they tell us through the slit between our little jail and them that we're getting a free lift coz apparantly liked us. So there we where in the back of a paddy, i even had a flask with some rum in it haha so im getting more pissed sliding around in the back of this paddy. They slam the brakes, yell something then take off, sirens blazing with us still in it. Some guy did a hit and run right infront of them and took off, so now we're in a real fucking cop chase! drinking in the back of a paddy haha! eventually they caught the guy and got another unit to take care of him, because apparantly they wouldve been in shit if they got caught with us haha. Get dropped off in the city with everyone, said bye and stumbled home!

Thats one of the more memorible storys ive got, but beleive me i have millions of them haha. Its not very good but heres a photo i got from inside the paddy!


  1. good post, check out my blog :)

  2. haha, sounds like a good night out ;) +follow

  3. Good story, I really enjoyed it.

  4. Man, I'd love to hear your other stories too. Keep it up!

  5. Haha great story. I remember when I was 16-17 and every weekend we would have these insane parties and we'd all go back to school on monday with these awesome tales to tell. I miss those days... my nights out these days are much more sophisticated! :D

  6. Sounds like a pretty wild night! Check out my blog, I might eventually get to some of my stories :P

  7. I enjoyed this story. I have so many like this. Can't wait to read what you are up to next.

  8. sounds like ypu guys had fun

  9. Lol. Sliding around the back of a prison van with a flask of rum in the middle of a hit and run pursuit. Can't make that shit up. Hahaha.

  10. Dude, your life is so hype lol. Can't wait to hear more!

  11. very nice! keep posting more storys!

  12. You had me laughing when you said,"I am 19 and I don't go to as many house parties as I used to." Just wait til you are 23!

  13. SICK STORY. I laughed so much. definitely good times.

  14. Wow I've had some pretty crazy nights, but nothing quite this intense! Have fun man, live it up!

  15. They look so high in that picture.

  16. Sounds like one hell of a night!

  17. funny story, im sure you have some others you could tell us!

  18. I'm not much of a party person

  19. The people in the picture look incredibly familiar

  20. very nice story....I remember I was suppose to go to a house party but our leader got too drunk during the pre-party to take us there so we ended up at a bar or 5...

  21. The only good parties I've been to, are the one's that I've hosted. Haha.

  22. Well, at least you had a great night. I've never been to a house party, but for my 19th birthday I went to a rave.
    'twas amazing, yo.

  23. kewl story brother. the thing that freakin baffles me is the riot police. loool

  24. Enjoy 19! Hope the teens were good to ya. : )

  25. Hahaha nice story, nice cops :O

  26. lol so awesome. i've never been to a house party. we don't really do that here in brazil.
    i wish we did though. must be really fun.

  27. I think the photo really sums things up nicely.

  28. You really know how to party dude

  29. Sounds like a crazy party haahaha

  30. sounds like a wild party!

  31. Wow what a crazy night! Great story I had fun reading it! Cheers! +follow

  32. Haha, riot cops. Would've loved to see that.

  33. crazy hahaa

  34. It's me again. Come on man, the suspense is killing me. I wanna hear more!

  35. hahah nutters, more stories!

  36. wow your life sound so cool.

  37. Long story, but i read it all. More pictures would have been nice though!

  38. You should have taken more pictures! :D

  39. Wish we had nicer police in the UK.. The riot police thing sounded mental. I've only heard of them being used at like big illegal raves and stuff

  40. just post back when you feel alive again =)

  41. Party lifes great. I miss it though. Havent bothered since I've found my girl

  42. Sounds pretty wild! I like!

  43. yes, interesting history, with me such never was.

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